Essay: Writing compositions

The lessons and their activities are designed to produce the maximum effect on the student. As they learn to write the different compositions, they also acquire writing skills that they can apply in their lives. Writing compositions has the advantage of improving...

Essay: Ward design

The lesson plan incorporated understanding by design’s six facets of understanding. At the same time it utilized the back ward design which has three stages; these are the identification of desired outcomes, determination of acceptable competence and instructional...

Essay: Managing cross cultures

Expectations:  Due to the current developments in technology, it is possible to draw labor from diverse cultures. I therefore needed to learn how a cohesive labor force can be formed drawing from the different backgrounds. I expected to learn how to deal with the...

Essay: Ethical Theories

Application: I will apply the Ethical Theories in every project that I undertake. Given that my company will carry out operations in a community setting, I will seek to establish cordial relationships with the people. I will initiate, mobilize for and participate in...

Essay: Transactional leadership

Application: The modules have changed my view of leadership. Should I be a leader at any capacity, I have the knowledge to apply the relevant leadership style best suited for the setting. I can apply transformational leadership when the participation of the people and...

Essay: Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership: In many and different types of organizations we find positive effects such as high motivation and dedication, commitment to task, unit and leader, trust in the leader , team spirit, trust between team members and cooperation, high...