Apart from art history and articles or texts, other contributors to the feminist art practices found useful by this research are the contributions of art curators. Scrutiny of the history of art was not only done by historians or scholars but was also contributed by curators through museum exhibits. An in depth research reveals that exhibits challenged white male Eurocentric ideas of art history.
The first most contemporary exhibit was by the curator Jean Clair in “Identity and Alterity” in Venice that celebrated 20th century art (Sherman 51). This was followed by “Inside the Visible,” exhibition in Boston. This was curetted by Catherine de Zegher, who was the director of Kanaal art foundation in Belgium. This curator showed a provocative survey of over 120 objects by thirty seven European, North & South American and Asian women artists (Sherman 51). The exhibition focused on work by women and did not fit in mainstream art exhibition practices. The exhibition focused on showcasing feminist art work like famous art of Nancy Spero, Mona Hatoum, Eva Hesse, Agnes Martin, Nadine Tesseel, Ellen Gallagher, Katarzyna Kobro, Lygia Clark, Claude Cahun and Francesca Woodman (Sherman 51). It is this radical position taken by curators that changed the manner in which museums and consequently the art scene accepted feminist impressions.
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