Sample Essay

Gloria Baume from Teen Vogue provided to Seattle Times that “truthfully, that generation — the 14- to 18-year-olds — have kind of taken over…It’s all about them. The consumer trends, the music, anywhere from the general trends on the street, really gets translated into what women are wearing.” (‘TV’s “Gossip Girl” is all the talk of teen fashion scene’, 2008)

The back to school trend is highly active in June/July 2009 where consumers are seeking to purchase fashion clothes and brands for their school wear. The companies like Victoria’s Secret have identified and captured onto this trend and have launched miscellaneous marketing and branding programs to actively target this market.Victoria’s Secret has invested in its Pink brand to form a Collegiate Collection of fashion clothing with which it is directly targeting the teen and young adult student market. “Victoria’s Secret is capitalizing on the success of its Pink Label, which is nearing the $1 billion mark, which would account for roughly 17 percent of the retailer’s total sales last year, according to Advertising Age. Victoria’s Secret is expanding the Pink label to include a Collegiate Collection of licensed T-shirts, sweats, totes, and underwear rooting for colleges such as University of Michigan, Texas A&M, Harvard, and 30 others” (Ferrante, 2008). The spokes person for the company provided that “To pump up publicity,Victoria’s Secret introduced theCollegiateCollegeacross all channels online, through its catalog, and in-store.

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