Sample Essay
A purposive sampling strategy was used to select Las Cruces Public School (LCHS), a public high school in the Doña Ana County. The school has not met AYP under the NCLB and has been classified as a “School in Need of Improvement” for five consecutive years.
Purposive sampling was chosen because the design “enhances understandings of selected individuals or groups’ experiences or for developing theories and concepts” (Devers and Frankel, 2000, p. 264). Random sampling will be used to determine the respondents. The Las Cruces Public School District is made up of five high schools, which include Las Cruces high school, Mayfield high school, Onate high school, San Andre’s high school, and Arrowhead Early College High School. The high schools in Las Cruces Public School District have a population of well over 8,000 students. Since the schools are only five, the study will get participants from all the schools.
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