Sample Essay

Being such busy, high profile customers who are paying a premium for their flight and related air travel based services they would require hassle free  check in option, pre check in option and multiple options to choose from for in flight dining and drinks. They can require the menu of the respective flights based on seasonal travel to be made available on the portal for their inspection and selection.

Similarly they would also require that they be provided entertainment options when travelling alone, or with kids to keep them preoccupied and entertained during the trip. The premium paying customers of the FirstAir airline would also require the company to provide them with privacy options for their travel especially if they are travelling for business. All requirements of the customers would need to be met in a prompt and efficient manner such that the customers do not have to contact FirstAir representatives or agents again and again for resolving travel issues. They would need all aspects to be taken care of well before takeoff, if possible at their convenience through an online portal.

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