Sample Essay

Culture, ethnicity and traditions are amongst the strongest factors that can influence the family. The attitude of the family members, the relationships between the members of the family as well as the parenting style in the home is all attributed to the predominant culture and traditional that result in values and guidelines for the household.  When dealing with conflict, the aspect of culture and ethnicity also greatly contributes to how the teenager can fare in a positive or a negative manner (Bradley & Corwyn, 2000).

Similarly societal institutions, especially when it comes to immigrant families can be an added influencer for the family even though it may be significantly different from the original culture and ethnicity of the family (Bradley & Corwyn, 2000). Moreover when dealing with issues and problems family are more likely to retain their original culture and values as they provide them with strong support psychologically, enabling them to fight and resolve the problems they might be facing (Bradley & Corwyn, 2000). This shows that the culture and the ethnicity of the family can contribute positively to the family and its environment by providing a sense of familiarity and closeness which is derived through having personal reliance and belief on their traditions, values, culture and religion. The guidelines provided in religion positively affect the development of the family members and their attitudes by clearly providing guidelines for authority and family cohesion. “Religious teaching, in general, guides the behavior of individuals who are believers.

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