Sample Essay

The argument that has been discussed pertains to the global warming being a myth and that its future occurrence is not based on sound scientific factual evidence. The analysis and evaluation of the argument has revealed this it to be positive as no deductions can be made from the existing weather and climate change patterns to forecast a future event of global warming.

Moreover the evidence has in fact revealed a current trend where the temperatures are moving down depicting global cooling instead of global warming which again negates the claims that global warming has already commenced and would reach a full blown state in the next 20 to 30 years. The cyclical trend of global cooling or ice age characteristics have been revealed to occur every 60 or so years in 1850, 1910, and 1970 depicting that the high and low temperatures that due occur are part of a climate cycle instead of the global warming.

The weakness of the argument against the occurrence of the concept of global warming also lies in the nature of weather and how unpredictable it can be. The rather unpredictable nature of the weather makes it very volatile and uncertain. Therefore it is possible for global warming to occur in the future, however the exact time cannot be ascertained as no evidence regarding the evidence of such a future event exists which can be used to base predications on.

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