Sample Essay

The asymmetric form of encryption works on the basis of making multiples of factors of a given variable which are so large that it is not possible to factorize the variable in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore for complete security 1024 bits are used for asymmetric encryption. However the processing of such large numbers is very complex and time consuming making the processing time for asymmetric encryptions thousands of time more slow.

“Raising such very large numbers to very large exponents is computationally much more demanding than the bit shifting and XOR’ing of symmetric crypto systems such as DES, so asymmetric encryption is really only practical for short messages. A common workaround when encrypting long messages is to use RSA to encrypt a short preamble containing a DES or AES key selected at random, then send the main body of the message encrypted with that key. A recipient with the corresponding private key can decrypt the preamble and use the key it contains to decipher the rest of the message. Modern web browsers use exactly this method to conduct secure communications.” (Crampton, 2004)

The dynamic nature and characteristics of the asymmetric encryption, and the hybrid utilization of both public and private keys as well as the combined use of symmetric and asymmetric encryption sessions management has enabled the internet to provide increasingly secure and unique options for the  and transfer of data ranging form emails to shorted messages, pictures, videos and multimedia material.

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