Sample Essay

The operation of a business, be it small or a large enterprise, requires a communication medium through which the different business functions and the personnel interact for carrying out their daily tasks. The need for the communication technology therefore has always been present. IN the fast processing and increasingly competitive market, it has now become more essential for businesses to attract customers, ascertain what their customers want and provide it to them while operating profitably.

This requires investment by the business in communication technology to increase the process of gathering data, processing it and increasing the decision making process for the management. In order to speed up decision making efficient communication platforms are required by the management through which information can be disbursed to the masses and response can be gathered effectively and in a timely manner. The use of web seminars, emails, virtual bulletin boards and intranet enable the businesses to enhance the collaboration for the management by integrating modern technology for communication. This helps the business to increase the level of productivity while making the decision making process for the management much more efficient.

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