Sample Essay

In today’s day and age a Mac is better than a PC. This is mainly because the software and media that is used on the computer by an average user is highly complex in nature with high level of multitasking taking place. In such a situation that Mac fares much better than a PC as it especially designed for multimedia applications and use of heavy duty multitasking programs. In addition to this the Mac is also exceptional for gamming and multimedia processing with the enhanced applications dedicated to this and high level of graphics provided. Moreover the design of the hardware for Mac anther GUI interface makes Mac innovative and suave choice for style conscious users. On the other hand PCs are considered to be boring with lack of stylish appeal.

The PCs are readily available as the most affordable systems in the market. However the Macs are more affordable for the users in the long term. This is because the Macs have integrated customizable application software for office as well as connectivity, multimedia and online chat that are not available on PCs. The PC users as a result have to purchase MS office suite in additional to the Windows OS and the PC, while additional security protection software and graphics cards also have to be bought in order to bring the Pc up to the level of a readily available Mac therefore increasing the cost of the PC.

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