Sample Essay

The arguments that have been made in the article pertain to the refinement of rules and procedures provided to the mortgage lenders by the government for licensing, legalizing their operations and for controlling the spread of the loans to the market. The main idea that has been proposed by the federal government and discussed through the article is that increased review and supervision of the mortgage operators as well as proper licensing and contracting of the registered mortgage operators would help in avoiding lending of inappropriate loans to the supreme market. Additionally the use of the FHA mortgage products that specifically target the sub prime market will help them better attain resources of funding mortgages without adding to the exploitation of the market.

The closer supervision of the mortgage brokers and lenders can indeed lead to a better regulated and monitored industry. The two point strategy that is being employed by the government to regulate the mortgage financing industry for the housing and real estate sector combined with launch of new products specifically targeting the under dog market will greatly help in reviving the industry from recession as well as making way for long term substantial growth in the market.

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