Sample Essay

While there has been considerable debate regarding the impact of adverse environment on the different members of the family, it has to be realized that forces in the environment can also have favorable and positive impact on the family. This paper highlights how families can be affected in a positive manner form the environment.

            When taking environment into consideration for the subject of the debate, it has to be addressed that two forms of environment effect family and these pertain to the external as well as the internal environment of the family. Environmental influences depend on the factors of influence in the external and the internal environment of the family. The factors that reside in the external environment and greatly affect the family include the physical environment, peer influence, friends and neighbors, the generally society at large (Friedman, Bowden & Jones 2003), culture and religion (Bradley & Corwyn, 2000) as well as the availability of monetary funds. The internal factors that reside in the internal environment for the family pertain to the house, the attitude and behavior of the family members, and immediate relatives. These factors can also be categorized into the microsystem, macrosystem and suprasystems associated with families (Friedman, Bowden & Jones 2003) and how they affect the family environment as a whole.

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