Sample Essay

In a recent poll conducted by the MSN Money Staff and Zogby, it was identified that 29 percent of the respondents voted to the customer service of Time Warner Cable Inc to be poor. This indicates clearly that the company needs to improve its complaint management and customer services function. The company should evaluate the efficiency of the complaint management function in the enterprise by establishing baseline performance measures. These can be set up by establishment of benchmarks for the performance of the department based on the performance of the customer management function in competitor companies. The industry averages pertaining to performance measures can be used for comparing the metrics of Time Warner Cables. Moreover the company can set up a program for continuous improvement where the performance of the function is constantly determined.

The company should strive to be more efficient in terms of processing complaints and seek to solve the problems faced by customers while minimizing inconvenience for them. . This will decrease the time taken for the customer services staff to lodge the complaint as well as a reduction in the time taken for processing them. The process efficiency of the function can be tracked and evaluated by the number of complaints being processed on a period basis. The periods can be set on for a day, a week, a month as well as a year.  This close level of monitoring the complaint management process will give the company a clear picture of the performance of the function and will highlight any discrepancies which might be present.

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