Sample Essay
Place refers to decisions about the ways in which products can be most effectively distributed to the final consumer, either directly or through intermediaries. Sainsbury’s undertakes several methods of delivering their products to the consumer. The internet shopping and delivery service provided is known as direct sale as the product is supplied directly to the customer’s door.
This also allows the firms to gather consumer data for relationship marketing. In terms of the stores which Sainbury’s operates, there are three different sizes serving different purposes. The ‘Main Mission’ outlets are located in the peripheral regions of large towns/cities to provide goods for customers weekly shop. There are 64 ‘Main Plus’ format outlets which are very large stores (hypermarkets). Finally there are ‘Mixed Mission’ format outlets with extend to more remote regions. They are smaller as they have а smaller population size in their catchment area.
Sainsbury’s supermarkets are used for place and promotion with regards to the banking service which they provide.
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