Sample Essay

The study undertaken to determine the initiatives that can be adopted by the UTC Plc Nigeria, to increase their brand worth in the local retail industry market and create a better position for their company and brands in the market, is conducted using the mixed research approach including qualitative historical research and primary research using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The secondary sources, reports and journal articles available on the subject matter have been analysed to determine the best possible marketing programs that can be launched by the UTC Plc to overcome its problems highlighted in the problem statement.

The research design for the study is that of a mixed research including a combination of historical research conducted over a period of time and primary research using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. However as the period of time available for the research was limited, the industry reports, market profiles and the performance statistics of the leading retailers investigated have been taken over a period of 5 years. The industry articles and case study reports on the leading companies in the retail sector and their marketing programs have been incorporated in the historical research as well. These have been analysed for their relevance, their contribution to the research and the insight that they provide on the successful branding and positioning tactics for extrapolation to the marketing programs of UTC PlcNigeria.

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