Sample Essay

Shell PLC has been operating inPakistanfor more than a hundred years. It came toPakistan in the 1900s as Royal Dutch Shell PLC. At that time it was catering to the Indo Pak region, however after the partition of Pakistan and India, the company formed different entities and separated its operation in the two countries. However the name of the company now became Burmah Shell Oil Distribution Company ofPakistan. By the 1990s Shell PLC was able to gain 51% share in the company, and changed the name of the business entity to Shell Pakistan Limited. The Shell Group PLC has a 76% share on the Shell Pakistan limited as of 2002.


The company Shell Pakistan Limited operates in the energy sector of the economy.

The products and markets that are catered to by Shell Pakistan Limited pertain to crude and refine oil markets like that of petroleum, gasoline and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). The LPG sector however has grown in significance in the region and as a result the Shell Pakistan Corporation has invested in opening a separate subsidiary of the company which only deals with LPG products and equipment.

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