In this age of technological boom everywhere plagiarism has become far easier than it ever was in the past. The internet is oozing with so much information that many students who do not want to work hard simply copy and paste someone else’s work and present it as their own. Plagiarism is a growing concern for many academic institutions and strict rules and regulations have been set to counter it. Yet, still many students are caught red handed despite knowing the grave consequences.
There are students who do not intend to plagiarize but still face the consequence due to lack of awareness. Plagiarism is indeed a serious problem and more stringent steps must be taken to eradicate it once and for all. The purpose of this article is to provide you some useful tips as to how you can avoid this plague and keep your essays clean and acceptable by professors. Below are some useful points for you to discover.
Properly cite your Work
Make a habit of citing your work. Even if it is a sentence or idea taken from someone else’s work cite it right then. Citing is to give credit to the original author. Even if you are paraphrasing an idea of another author cite it giving credit to the original author.
Use Quotation Marks
If you intend to use a quote as is use quotation marks and cite the work. Do not make any changes in the quote. Use it as is and cite it as to give credit to the original author.
Use Technology
In this age of technology every problem has multiple solutions. In other words you can use software to check the work for plagiarism just to be on the safe side.
Take any possible measures to keep your essays plagiarism free. If you need your instructor’s help do approach him/her. It is better to go through hardships for writing an essay than to face the grave consequences if you have been blamed for plagiarizing even if you had no intentions of doing so.
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